Blog About Psychology on Social Media: How to Find Your Audience?

Step 1 - Choose 1-3 Problems That You Can Help Solve
This is an extremely important step, and we know that for many experts it seems counterintuitive. After all, you can do so many things, provide dozens of services, and if you solve just one thing, then this is not professional.
But wait, in a moment you will find out why choosing one problem does not limit you in any way.
The point is completely different. There are far fewer people who have realized or somehow found out that they need a psychologist or coach than those who are currently suffering from their problem and do not yet know that they can get a solution from you (and this is your potential client)
Let's look at an example. The number of requests for "psychologist consultation" exceeds several hundred thousand users. And there is a fight for each of these potential clients!
Various aggregators and thousands of individual psychologists advertise for this query. Can you imagine the competition? Therefore, many specialists begin to engage in dumping, that is, reduce prices, offer discounts, aggregators generally take half of your honestly earned money in order to maintain the required amount of traffic.
But if you choose one problem, you will immediately exit this useless struggle, leaving them behind. By the way, you can choose several problems (if it turns out that you do not have enough clients), we do not recommend talking about them all at once.
1 problem per 1 unit of time. This is very important! If you do not know what to choose, then you can simply remember what requests your clients have already contacted you with on a paid basis.
Another small hint, a problem is an obstacle between a person and his desire in the outside world, which prevents his feelings, states, beliefs from being realized. Think about and choose 1-3 problems that you can help with.
Step 2 - Check the Number of Requests Via Google Trends
Now that you have chosen a problem, you need to check if there are the right number of people who are looking for a solution right now.
The right number of people is from 1000 people. This means that you can find even more requests in other formulations.
Let's take the problem of "how to survive a divorce" as an example. The number of requests for "how to survive a divorce" is conditionally 10,000. That is, right now thousands of men and women are suffering from divorce, they do not yet know that a psychologist or coach can help them, so they type in the wording of their problem in the search.
At this stage, you need to collect all possible formulations of how people can talk about this problem. For example, not how to survive, but how to "cope" with a divorce, etc. But how will your potential clients understand that you really understand their problem? To answer this question, let's move on to the next step.
Step 3 - Gather the Context of Your Audience's Problem
This step will allow you speak the language of your customers. If you do everything right, your posts will inspire trust even before they meet you.
There are several ways to do this, here I will tell you about one of the options:
- Enter the wording in the YouTube search
- Then go to the most popular videos and carefully read the comments
You do not need all the comments, but only those where people talk about what they do, what to be afraid of, what they expect, how they talk about their experiences. At this stage, you need to collect several dozen such comments, because this way you will see that there is something in common between them, which is repeated almost word for word, but by different people.
This is what we need. If you take this step, you will never again face the problem of what to write about. But this is a bonus, because our task is to create a system where you only need 10-15 pieces of content so that it continues to work without your constant participation.
Step 4 — Create Content Using Words, Situations, and Wording from Your Potential Clients
Tell them how they can get rid of the problem with your help. This is worth doing according to the following algorithm:
- Name the problem right in the title
- Describe your potential client's situation
- Describe how you help solve this kind of problem, that this is one of your specializations. Tell them about your experience
- Invite them to write to you to chat for 10-15 minutes and understand whether you can help and whether you are a good fit for each other
You need at least 10 pieces of content that will show the problem from different angles, show your solution, show your experience.
Step 5 — Publish Posts Or Videos on the Blog in a Certain Order
So that when your potential clients look at you, they can immediately understand that this is written about them, that you have experience, that you can be trusted. You need to lead them from the problem to your solution.
Step 6 — Launching Advertising for Your Services
What we have at this point:
- You have chosen the problem you are going to work on.
- You know that thousands of people are searching for this problem right now.
- You know how people talk about their problem and what situation they are in.
- You have content that is written in the language of your potential clients, describes their situations, their pain, and offers your specific solution.
- The content is posted on your blog.
Now all that remains is to launch advertising based on the keywords that we collected in step 2 and hold your breath. Because if all the steps are completed correctly and in full, then a reward awaits you. The system will start working and attract clients. And it cannot be otherwise. Because you show your offer not to everyone, but to people with a specific problem who talk about it themselves. You will find the full story about successful blog promotion on our website.