How to Choose an OnlyFans Agency to Maximize Your Earnings: Tips and Advice from AS Talent

OnlyFans has been growing rapidly since the pandemic, and the number of creators on it becomes bigger every day. This means the competition for the paying customers gets more and more fierce. Many models have already found a solution - signing up with an OnlyFans agency. But choosing the one that can be trusted is not a small feat. So read further if you want to make the right decision.

Model taking selfie for OnlyFans
Image by freepik on Freepik

A Good OnlyFans Agency Is the Key!

First of all, you need to understand that an agency isn’t a fairy grandmother that helps creators out of the greatness of her heart. It’s a company, a business. So it operates like one. And if you want to get good results out of your partnership, if you want to see your profits doubling or tripling - you need to choose a good, experienced agency.

At AS Talent premium OnlyFans agency we know that models and creators on OnlyFans face a lot of problems, challenges even. And the correct choice of an agency can either add to these problems, or relieve from all the stress and worrying.

What Is an OnlyFans Agency and Why It’s So Important

Being an OnlyFans content creator is not just posting photos once a day. Your account on OnlyFans is your business, and you can’t treat it without proper care. Just like any business every element of your account and content production must be optimized and well thought of. You need to create and then maintain a brand image, play your strong cards, per se.

An OnlyFans Agency has one goal - making your life easier while making you richer. Agencies exist to take care of all the boring stuff, letting you to focus on making content. They handle everything - from simple things like content scheduling to more complex actions like promotion. Agencies will help you build a good and favorable personal brand, closely connected to your personality and your unique traits. The experts will find a way to present you to subscribers in the best light possible, which leads to maximizing conversions and, eventually revenue. Even fan engagement - the dedicated department will take care of that. You won’t have to spend hours on your phone, answering every message from a fan. The team of chatters will do it for you. And the promotion... Agencies know how to attract new subscribers far better than any model, and have tons of tricks up their sleeve to skyrocket your growth.

Proper management of your account doesn't just make your life easier, it also helps secure financial gains. When every element is managed correctly, the prices are right, the content entices people to subscribe, and the flow of new subs is constant - magic happens. And when all this revenue is properly managed and organized, a foundation appears for an OnlyFans empire.

How to Choose the Best OnlyFans Agency?

To pick the best agency for you, there are many things you must consider. Some are simple and lay on the surface, while others require a more in-depth research on your part. Most of the time it is enough to study the agency’s website. Look for these things on your quest:


You don’t want to mess with newbies. It’s always better to look for agencies with at least a couple years of experience and a good number of models who work with the agency. The more experience the agency has, the easier and better will it find solutions that work for you or solve any problems that may arise. Also, experienced agencies are more adept in terms of communicating with clients, giving clear instructions what to do, and so on.


THis is absolutely crucial. You want an agency that’s trusted by many people, and that has never tarnished its reputation. Pristine reputation is something that separates a good agency from a bad one. But you also need to remember that regardless of the partnership outcome, some people will always be unhappy or bitter. So it’s fairly common even for industry leading agencies to have a couple bad reviews.


Always check the models working with the agency. The bigger the names - the better. Any respectable agency has a dedicated section on the main page, showcasing the existing or past partners. You want to look for well-known names, and creators with tons of subscribers. Don’t hesitate to check their OnlyFans profiles and find the moment when the model started working with the agency.

Offered Services

“Value-proposition” - have you ever heard about it? You want an agency that does more for less. It’s always better to have a full service package with fan engagement, promotion, and financial management, rather than just a couple of pieces of advice on how to post and what to post. It’s your money, after all. Try to invest it as efficiently as possible.

So let’s say your OnlyFans Agency of choice passed all the checks. The next step is signing a contract. Here you also have to be careful and read all the text. And don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more - the merrier. Here are a couple things you should clarify before practicing your signature:

How Does the Management Work?

Every agency works in a unique way. A pipeline in one agency will be drastically different han in another one, so make sure you understand the steps the agency professionals are gonna take. Ask directly about the algorithm and expected time when you could see growth. The more you know about inner workings - the easier it is to get things in order fast.

How Is Your Privacy Protected?

Not all agencies pay equal attention to the privacy of models, so the data leaks might occur. Make sure you learn about the security measures used in your agency of choice, so that your personal information stays safe and sound. This also applies to the financial side of things, like your banking details, credit card number, and so on.

What Is the Payment Arrangement in Place?

There are three main ways: fixed rate, commission-based rate, and a hybrid way. Fixed rate is good for already established creators - with the growth of revenue you’ll pay the same amount. Commission-based arrangement is good for starting out, because it allows you to save money at the beginning. The Hybrid is probably the best option, but the details of it must be discussed individually. Be sure to raise this question!

Benefits of Working with AS Talent - a Premium OnlyFans Agency

All those good things that an agency must have and do - it’s all present at AS Talent, and more. Our OnlyFans agency goes above and beyond when it comes to assisting our partners grow. Instead of giving generic services and strategies, like other agencies do, we design a unique and custom plan of action for each model. The techniques and tricks we’re gonna use in your case will depend on the content you’re already producing, your personality, your style, and tons of other things like the audience’s preferences and trends on the platform. But you can be rest assured - the strategy will be unique and constantly change to reflect the changes on the market, and to maximize the effectiveness of the promotion and management.

At the same time when working with AS Talent you’re not just getting professional help in earning more money, but also a plethora of opportunities for collaboration. We actively facilitate engagement between our partners, and right now the total audience you get direct access to is around 50 million people. Imagine reaching all of them at the same time, by only doing what you love - making content.

But AS Talent doesn’t stop there. We additionally help solve the financial side of things. Everything from setting the price of a subscription to helping you manage your finances. In over three years on the market we’ve seen profits of our partners doubling or even tripling in just a couple of months. And we’re not even accounting for gifts like bags, jewelry, and even cars.

AS Talent - a Friend Every OnlyFans Creator Needs

When you run an OnlyFans account, you can’t take chances. You need to do things right on the first try, or it’s game over. The further you go without proper management, the more difficult it is to fix the situation later. Because without knowledge, it’s far too easy to make mistakes that can cost you your career. At AS Talent we know exactly what to do on every step of the way. We can help you set things up in the most efficient and beneficial way possible, so that you could create content without constantly fearing whether people will subscribe to you. Without worrying about reaching out to new audiences, and engaging with tons of people on a daily basis. Join AS Talent if you want to become a part of a vibrant community and multiply your earnings!