Secrets of Essay Editing: Turning a Good Essay Unto a Great One
Essays are essential for every student's life. However, this does not mean that one must write a perfect essay in one attempt. Even highly skilled writers face difficulties in creating a high-quality essay without revising it several times. Therefore, essay editing is a crucial process that determines the overall quality of the project.

If you are unsure about your ability to prepare your essay perfectly, you can hire an essay editor to help you. However, transforming a good essay into an excellent one is not too difficult. You can do it yourself. All you need to do is learn the secrets of essay editing.
1. Get the Design Right
The structure of an article plays a crucial role in determining the quality of your writing. If you look for help from a reliable website like™ or any other trusted source, you will find that the provided sample follows the standard essay structure.
• One initial passage
• Three body passages
• One final pass
There is no better way to organize an essay than to follow this rule. If you study the structure, you will notice that each paragraph is connected to the others. The thesis outlines the main theme of the paper, and each body paragraph addresses a point related to that main argument. When writing an essay, it is important to maintain a logical flow throughout the article. The only way to achieve this is by arranging your points properly. Therefore, after completing the drafting process, review your essay and rearrange points if necessary to ensure coherence.
2. Decline Additional Offers
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Long sentences reduce the clarity of any content. Ideally, sentences should consist of 22-25 words. If you go beyond this limit and expand the sentence using multiple sentences, it will become difficult for the reader to follow the information. So when editing, be mindful of sentences that can be broken up into parts. Consider the following examples:
Model 1: "The beautiful skies darkened with danger as the awaited day finally arrived, indicating the end of everything that people had ever known, although the prophecy had not yet been fulfilled."
Paraphrased: Variant 2: "The magnificent heavens veiled by a danger. The anticipated day had finally arrived. It signified the end of everything people had ever known. However, the foreboding had yet to be fulfilled."
Take note of how the main model, consisting of 33 words in a single sentence, has been divided into four smaller sentences with about 7 to 10 words each. The resulting model is easier to understand and improves clarity.
3. Stay Away from Overthinking
As you go through the creative process, you probably won't be aware of the times you repeat ideas. This usually happens if you do not complete the paper all at once. When you take multiple days to finish the paper, you may not always keep track of the topics you discuss. That's why the editing stage is crucial. By thoroughly reviewing the content, you will be able to identify the parts where you have repeated certain points. Once you have identified them, replace those sections with more relevant content.
4. Improve on the Language
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Readers will not try to understand difficult words using a thesaurus. There is a significant difference between using impressive vocabulary and intentionally obscuring the language to appear intelligent. The former will always be appreciated. However, the latter can backfire.
Sometimes, students replace simple words with their synonyms without realizing that the sentence becomes meaningless.
To illustrate, the words 'kind', 'decent', and 'wonderful' have the same meaning. However, consider the following sentence -
"She bought a nice pair of shoes yesterday."
Currently, if you replace the word 'decent' with its synonym 'kind', the sentence will not appear acceptable. Therefore, not all synonyms can be substituted. Hence, eliminate any unfamiliar words during the editing process.
5. to Remake with a New Brain
It is recommended to avoid making changes to your paper immediately after completing the creative process. Experts always advise starting the editing process at least 1-2 days after finishing writing. However, if you are on a tight deadline and cannot afford to wait that long, then take a break and begin the editing process. Give yourself a break because your brain is already too familiar with the content you have written. If you try to edit it right away, you may not notice the errors present throughout the content.
If you want to improve the overall quality of your essay, you should not overlook the editing process. Although the editing process involves several steps, try to work through each step consistently and you will be able to submit a great article before the deadline.