Top 5 Ways Editors Improve Team Collaboration Remote Teams

Remote work has skyrocketed in recent years and went from obscure/rare occurrences into fully pledged full-time jobs. Naturally, such a rise in remote jobs has affected businesses all over the globe. One of those things heavily affected – team collaboration.

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If you happen to work on content creation (e.g., blogs, copywriting, articles, etc.), documentation, or any other creative projects, editors can be critical parts of your team with their skill sets which can sharpen your overall output.

In this article, you’ll find why editors are almost indispensable in remote work (for the above-listed industries), and are crucial for the success of your projects.

5 Ways How Editors Change the Remote Working Landscape

Remote teams are remote for a reason: they (usually) work from home. Meaning, there’s no office work, collaboration, or camaraderie. In fact, sometimes, you don’t even know what a long-term team member looks like, sounds like, or what that individual thinks or feels.

Because of all those things, team morale can sometimes be affected (in a negative way), and there is virtually not much chance of having a good ‘office atmosphere’.

If your team lacks professional redactors, you might consider hiring editors.

This is where editors jump in. Editors are much more than just leaving comments on creative work documents.

Below, you’ll find the five main ways that editors bring to the table when it comes to remote teams and collaboration improvement.

1. Clear Team Communication

Effective and clear communication is likely the backbone of any successful remote team. And editors, well, they’re masters of refining messages. And that refining is key when various team members are collaborating from various locations.

Editors can ensure reports, emails, and project updates are clear, concise, and easy to understand.

Because every team member has their own way of communicating, and since the isn’t any body language to accompany that, editors can help minimize confusion and help align/steer teams towards the same goal.

2. Meeting Deadlines

Beyond just ensuring that the quality of your content is superb, editors can also help teams that are working remotely to meet deadlines effectively.

Editors have to maintain schedules, manage workflows, and set priorities when it comes to project revisions, thereby making sure those projects stay on track.

This aspect will reduce stress significantly, and also ensure that other team members can focus on other important parts of the project.

3. Refining Large Volumes of Content

According to a study (published in Forbes) suggested that employees that work from home full-time, are 20% happier (on average). Moreover, another latest study (report released in Global State of Remote Work), stated that people who fully work from home are 24% more likely to feel happy and be more productive. Data from studies like this show an increase in happiness and productivity.

Remote teams can produce large amounts of content (e.g., reports, proposals, creative work, etc.). Editors help sift through all that data/material, ensuring that all of it is polished and ready for publishing/distribution.

Because of these efforts, the editing process is streamlined, and all content is of top quality.

4. Creative Project Support

For all teams working in the creative field, editors can provide a critical eye and invaluable feedback to make sure the final product is engaging, cohesive, and factual.

Editors bring clarity to creative concepts, and they help bring out the correct/desired messaging that aligns with the team’s vision.

When creativity is an integral part of a business, and it is spread across multiple departments (especially remote ones), this kind of support can make all the difference, and boost the total efficiency of the business.

5. Boosting Team Collaboration

And last but not least, is team collab (what we’re here for). Editors serve as bridges between various team members and departments. Editors help facilitate smooth collaboration.

By ensuring every team member's contributions are well-integrated and free of errors, editors help build and maintain an environment/atmosphere where productivity can thrive.

Editors can also help encourage open feedback and suggestions, where the editors themselves will make certain that those messages are clear and concise. With correct and frequent feedback, teams can work on furthering themselves for the better.


Incorporating editors into remote work can boost the efficiency, communication, and (ultimately) overall project quality for your business.

Editors, beyond their obvious duties, help secure clean/concise communication across all (remote) team members. Editors also help streamline the editing process, maintain delivery consistency, boost team morale, and meet deadlines.

All of these benefits will help build a positive and professional working environment, thereby ensuring every team member is happy.

Also, don’t forget that beyond just in-house communication; editors can also help with client communication, which can be the difference between a client won or a client lost, which can be hugely valuable for your business.