What You Need to Think About Before Starting a Baking Business

A baking business can be a lot of fun! You get to work on food items that are made to be super tasty and available to all, and you can customise them in any which way you like. You can take custom orders, you can run catering for local events, you can create social media content around the amazing process of baking, cutting, and icing cakes. There’s a lot that’s fun and really enjoyable to get involved with!

Indeed, there are many benefits to opening a baking business! But what do you need to think about before you get up and running? That’s where the hard part comes in. After all, there’s a lot to tick off the list, but in regards to the most important elements of creating a baking business, the ones listed below will be the most crucial to get right.

A woman using a wooden rolling pin to flatten dough in a bakery kitchen setting.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The Baking Skills You’re Confident in

When it comes to baking, what are you confident you can do? Maybe you know a victoria sponge recipe off the top of your head? Maybe you’ve been using unique piping tips for a long time, and you’re very comfortable decorating cakes with realistic-looking icing creations?

These are skills to be proud of, but you need to cover your bases here. You can specialise in certain baked goods, like cakes or muffins, but if someone comes to you asking for a three tiered wedding cake with all the trimmings, will you be able to take it on?

It’s something to think about now, even if you’re only planning to develop your offerings down the line.

How Many Products You’ll Offer

Will you have a staple menu, made up of a few baked goods that will always be available? These are the items you’re hoping to become known for, and will have people coming back time and time again to grab another. However, crafting a popular menu takes time and effort!

Alternatively, will you run seasonal items? This can get the hype building, and cause an influx in profit during times when custom may otherwise be low, such as late winter in January and February.

Or will you allow your customers to come in, take a seat, and have a hot drink with their cake or pastry? If so, you’ll need to invest in a commercial coffee machine for your kitchen, and that will need accounting for in your startup budget.

Finding an Affordable and Reliable Supplier

Baking businesses can easily grab items from the local supermarket, but if you’re going into full time operation, you’ll need a wholesale supplier to keep this affordable.

You’ll need to find a reliable one, who’s local enough to get things to you on time, but also won’t cost an arm and a leg. Investing in your supply is key, but you never want to use up the whole budget on it either!

Got a baking business in the works? Make sure you cover these points before you’re up and running.